Cute Easter bunnies crafting activity

We don’t usually do much for Easter, or at least we never did in the past. As we’re not religious the holiday was more about chocolate than anything else. However, now that I have little ones I see it as a lovely opportunity to teach them about Spring and new life. There are so many nice things to do around these subjects which they can properly get involved in. I can’t wait to set up an egg hunt too now that Artie will actually understand what’s going on!

These little bunnies make me so happy! So simple, but so cute and something I can keep forever. Artie is going through a phase where as soon as a pen comes out she immediately asks for her hand to be drawn around… and then the other one… So this was perfect for a quick morning craft!

They’re so easy to make too and you will probably find all you need at home already.

What you need

  • Coloured paper

  • Scissors

  • Pen

Step 1

Draw around your hand - do this for each of the bunnies you want. Feel free to mix it up and have loads of different colours

Draw around your hand
Draw around your hand

Step 2

Cut out the hands you’ve drawn, make the bottom near the wrist circular.

Cut out hands
Cut out hands

Step 3

Fold the middle finger away from you and the little finger and thumb towards you. Try to make the angle quite big as otherwise it may rest over the bunny’s face

Step 4

Draw a cute face! You can give your bunny little eyes, a nose and whiskers and don’t forget the mouth and feet!

The finished Easter bunny - they're so cute!!
The finished Easter bunny - they're so cute!!

That’s it! You’ve made your super simple, super cute Easter bunny. Don’t forget to write your baby’s name and the date on the back so that you can keep them and remember how tiny their little hands were.

I’d love to see your crafts! Please feel free to post them below!